ISSI 2020

Workshop on “Probing the Deep Earth Interior by using in synergy observations of the Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields, and of the Earth’s rotation
  • Cazenave A., Objectives of the workshop, ISSI workshop on “Probing the Deep Earth Interior by using in synergy observations of the Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields, and of the Earth’s rotation”, Oral.
  • Dehant V., Deep Earth interior: the Earth’s core, Oral.
  • Mandea M., Deep Earth interior: the core magnetic field, Oral.
  • Mandea M., Observed correlation between gravity and magnetic fields, Oral.
  • Rekier J., Earth’s rotation and the deep Earth interior, Oral.
  • Triana S. A., Modelling of inertial waves and interaction with rotational modes, Oral.
  • Van Hoolst T., The interior of Mars, Mercury, and icy satellites, Oral.
  • Gillet N., Geomagnetic jerks – from data to numerical models, Oral.
  • Jault D., Tangential stresses at the core-mantle boundary, Oral.
  • Gerick F., Fast Magneto-Coriolis Modes, Oral.

GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2020

  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Mandea M., Dehant V., and Barnoud A., The GRACEFUL project: probing the Earth’s deep interior with satellite observations of the gravity field, magnetic field and Earth’s rotation. B.1 – Solid Earth Sciences, GSTM2020-23.
  • Gerick F., Fast Magneto-Coriolis Modes. B.1 – Solid Earth Sciences, Poster.

EPSC 2020

  • Rekier J., Triana S. A., and Dehant V., Planetary inertial modes and their relation to nutations. TP2 – Planetary Dynamics: Shape, Gravity, Orbit, Tides, and Rotation from Observations and Models, EPSC2020-853.

AGU 2020

  • Triana S. A., Rekier J., Trinh A., Zhu P., and Dehant V., The viscous and Ohmic damping of the Earth's Free Core Nutation, Poster, DI006-0018.
  • Houliez A., Laguerre R., Cebron D., Rekier J., and Dehant V., Steady flows in the core of precessing planets: effects of the geometry and a uniform magnetic field, Poster, NG008-0018.
  • Dehant V., Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Baland R.-M., Filice V., Karatekin Ö., Péters M.-J., Van Hoolst T., and Yseboodt M., Geodesy at Mars: from gravity, rotation and tides to the deep interior of the red planet, Invited Poster, P081-0001.
  • Dehant V., Mandea M., Cazenave A., Triana S. A., Rekier J., and Zhu P., GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, Oral, DI001-01.
  • Zhu P., Dehant V., Instability of Earth’s rotation at the decadal time resolution, Oral, DI001-04.
  • Rekier J., Triana S. A., Trinh A., and Dehant V., Planetary inertial modes and their relation to nutations, Oral, DI001-06.
  • Sert H., Hugentobler U., Wolf H., Dehant V., Karatekin Ö., and Boehm J., Potential of UT1 - UTC determination with VLBI transmitters onboard future Galileo satellites, Oral, G025-01.
  • Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., Matsuyama I., The biennial libration of Io, Poster, P025-0001.
  • Van Hoolst T., Baland R.-M., Trinh A., Yseboodt M., Nimmo F., The Librations, Tides, and Interior Structure of Io, Invited talk, P031-02.
  • Cazenave A., Coastal sea level trends over 2002-2018 from reprocessed Jason-1, 2, 3 satellite altimetry, Oral, G010-06.
  • Moreira L., Cazenave A., Interannual variability in the rate of the global mean sea level rise, Oral, G010-05.

EGU 2021

  • Triana S. A., Rekier J., Trinh A., Dehant V., and Zhu P., Ohmic and viscous damping of the Earth's Free Core Nutation, Pico presentation.
  • Rekier J., Triana S. A., and Dehant V., Magneto-inertial waves and planetary rotation, Pico presentation.
  • Gerick F., Jault D., and Noir J., Fast (non-)diffusive Quasi-Geostrophic Magneto-Coriolis Modes in the Earth's core, Pico presentation.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., and Barnoud A., Analysis of the interannual variability in satellite gravity solutions: impact of climate modes on water mass displacements across continents and oceans, Pico presentation.
  • Barnoud A., Cazenave A., Pfeffer J., Ablain M., Guérou A., and Chen J., Closing the global mean sea level budget from altimetry, GRACE/GRACE Follow-On and Argo data (2005-present), Pico presentation.
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., and Mandea M., Study of the accuracy of monthly time-variable satellites gravity field estimates, Pico presentation.

19th International Symposium on Geodynamics and Earth Tides 2021

  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., The time-variable gravity field estimates and their impact in the detectability of the Earth’s core signals, Oral.


  • Mandea M., Cazenave A., Dehant V., Barnoud A., Firsov I., Gerick F., Pfeffer J., Rekier J., Schwaiger T., Triana S. A., Zhu P., Our Planet deep interior – a view from the magnetic, gravity and the Earth’s rotation observations, Oral.
  • Firsov I., Gillet N., Jault D., Mandea M., Inversion for the quasi-geostrophic stream function in the fluid outer core from geomagnetic observations.
  • Schwaiger T., Gillet N., Jault D., and Mandea M., Recovery of rapid core motions: a synthetic study.

Euro-Case Workshop2021

  • Halloin V., Dehant V., European Basic Research and its Impact, Oral.
  • Dehant V., Halloin V., The European Research Council and its Impact, Oral.

GreZuMaRob 2021

  • Houliez A., The steady flow in a spherical shell subjected to precession, Oral.
  • Shih S.-A., Topographic coupling for precession-driven flow from a local Cartesian model, Oral.

SWARM Science Team Meeting 2021

  • Lecomte, H., Rosat, S., Mandea, M., Comparison of Swarm and GRACE time-variable gravity field at low degree spherical harmonics.

GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2021

  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Identification of climate mode fingerprints in GRACE and GRACE Follow-On measurements.
  • Goux O., Pfeffer J., Blasquez A., Weaver A., Ablain M., Mass conserving filter based on diffusion for GRACE spherical harmonics solutions.
  • Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Guérou A., Frery M.L., Siméon M., Cazenave A., Chen J., Llovel W., Thierry V., Legeais J.F., Albain M., Non-closure of the global mean sea level budget since 2016: contributions of altimetry and Argo.

Colloque du G2 2021

  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., Comparaisons des solutions gravimétriques spatiales GRACE avec les surcharges hydrologiques, Oral.

AGU 2021

  • Shih S.-A., Triana S. A., Dehant V., Turbulent Ekman Layer over a Wavy Surface in Precessionally Driven Flow, poster, DI35D-0056.
  • Dehant V., Rekier J., Puica M., Folgueira M., Trinh A., Van Hoolst T., Topographic coupling at core-mantle boundary in rotation and orientation changes of the Earth, poster, DI35D-0052.
  • Sert H., Hugentobler U., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., UT1-UTC transfer to Galileo constellation using VLBI transmitters, poster, G55C-0259.
  • Triana S. A., Rekier J., Trinh A., Dehant V., The Ohmic and Viscous Damping of the Earth's Free Core Nutation, Invited talk, DI34B-01.
  • Barik A., Triana S. A., Aurnou J. M., Calkins M. A., Stanley S., Onset of convection in rotating spherical shells, poster, NG32A-01.
  • Rojas R., Perevalov A., Triana S. A., Zimmerman D., Stone D., Lathrop D. P., Sweet Spots for Dynamo Action in a 1000 Rm Spherical Couette Experiment, poster, NG33A-08.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Blazquez Alejandro, Mandea M., and Dehant V., Multidisciplinary analysis of the temporal variations of the gravity field acquired during the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, poster, G11A-05.
  • Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Guérou A., Frery M.-L., Siméon M., Cazenave A., Chen Ji., Llovel W., Thierry V., Legeais J.-F., and Ablain M., Non-Closure of the Global Mean Sea Level Budget Since 2016: Contributions of Altimetry and Argo, Oral presentation, G32A-04.
  • Marti F., Blazquez Alejandro, Meyssignac B., Ablain M., Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Jugier R., Fraudeau R., Chenal J., Restano M., Benveniste J., Larnicol G., Dibarboure G., and Bignalet-Cazalet F., Monitoring the Ocean Heat Content and the Earth Energy imbalance from space altimetry and space gravimetry, poster, GC23C-02.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Blazquez A., Mandea M., and Dehant V., Detecting climate modes in the global water cycle measured during the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, poster, G31A-01.
  • Moreira L., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Chen J., Sea-level fingerprints due to ongoing land ice melting in altimetry-based sea-level data, Oral presentation, G32A-05.
  • Gouzenes Y., Cazenave A. and the ESA CCI Coastal sea level team, New network of virtual coastal stations from satellite altimetry, Oral presentation, G32A-0248.
  • Schwaiger T., Gillet N., Jault D., and Mandea M., Local Estimation of the Core Surface Flow, poster, DI35D-0053.
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., and Mandea M., On the detectability of the earth’s core signal using space gravity measurements, poster, DI35D-00543, 13-17 December 2021.

Berlin Technical University 2022

  • Dehant V., Gender dimension in planetary science, Oral presentation.

Living Planet Symposium 2022

  • Sert H., Wolf H., Hugentobler U., Boehm J., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Transferring UT1-UTC from VLBI to Galileo orbits with an onboard VLBI transmitter, poster - A10.02.
  • Mandea M., Dehant V., Cazenave A., GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth, Oral presentation - A10.01.
  • Lemoine J.M., Mandea M., Lopes L., Meyssignac B., Blazquez A., Balmino G., Costes V., Bruinsma S., Samain E., Bourgogne S., Review of MARVEL pre-Phase-A, Oral presentation, Session A10. Solid Earth - A10.01 Our Solid Earth: From Core to Surface.
  • Schwaiger T., Gillet N., Jault D., Mandea M., Recovery of rapid core motions: a synthetic study, Oral presentation, Session A10. Solid Earth - A10.01 Our Solid Earth: From Core to Surface.
  • Gillet N., Aubert J., Finlay C., Gerick F., Jault D., Livermore P., The «Swarm 4D Earth Core» project: probing the base state within Earth’s core from satellite magnetic data, Living Planet Symposium 2022, Oral presentation - A10.01.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Chasing small amplitudes signals from the deep Earth’s interior in GRACE measurements, Living Planet Symposium 2022, A10. Solid Earth - A10.02 Geodetic Satellite Missions and Their Applications, Oral.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Detecting the Fingerprints of Climate Modes in the Global Water Cycle, Living Planet Symposium 2022, A7.02.1 EO advances in water and energy cycles, Poster.
  • Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Guérou A., Frery M.-L., Siméon M., Cazenave A., Chen J., Llovel W., Thierry V., Legeais J.-F., Ablain M., Non-closure of the global mean sea level budget since 2016: contributions of altimetry and Argo. Living Planet Symposium 2022, A10. Solid Earth - A10.02 Geodetic Satellite Missions and Their Applications, Oral.
  • Cazenave A. and the ESA CCI Coastal sea level team, Sea level rise along the world coastlines, session A10. Solid Earth - A10.02 Geodetic Satellite Missions and Their Applications, Oral.
  • Gerick F., Gillet N., Jault D., Schwaiger T., Aubert J., Istas M., Satellite magnetic data reveal interannual modes in Earth’s core, session A10. Solid Earth - A10.01.2 Our Solid Earth: From Core to Surface - 2, Oral.

EGU 2022

  • Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Caldiero A., Yseboodt M., Baland R.-M., Beuthe M., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Folkner W., Buccino D., Kahan D., Marty J.-C., Antonangeli D., Badro J., Drilleau M., Konopliv A., Péters M.-J., Plesa A.C., Samuel H., Tosi N., Lognonne P., Panning M., Banerdt W.B., The deep interior of Mars from nutation measured by InSight RISE, Pico presentation, EGU22-12428.
  • Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Ventura-Traveset J., Rothacher M., Delva P., Hugentobler U., and in alphabetic order: Altamimi Z., Boehm J., Couhert A., Flechtner F., Glaser S., Haas R., Jaeggi A., Maennel B., Perosanz F., Schuh H., Sert H., GENESIS-1 mission for improved reference frames and Earth science applications, Pico presentation, EGU22-10616.
  • Seuren F., Triana S. A., Rekier J., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., The influence of a stratified core on Mercury's librations, Pico presentation, EGU22-12178.
  • Dehant V., Gender in EU project, Pico presentation, EGU22-7535.
  • Dehant V., Rekier J., Puica M., Folgueira M., Trinh A., and Van Hoolst T., Effects of topographic coupling at core-mantle boundary in rotation and orientation changes of the Earth, Pico presentation, EGU22-7481.
  • Rekier J., The Spin-Over Mode of freely rotating planets and its relation to their Free Core Nutation. GD3.1 - Earth's and planetary cores: structure, dynamics, evolution and their magnetic fields from numerical simulations and observations, Oral, EGU22-3972.

Sea Level Workshop 2022

  • Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Cazenave A. and Ablain M., Closing the global mean ocean mass and sea level budgets over 2005-2019, Oral.

ISTerre PhD students Congress 2022

  • Firsov I., Gillet N., Jault D., Mandea M., Inference Of Quasi-geostrophic Motions From The Geomagnetic Secular Variation.
  • Pfeffer J., Depuis les données mission (L1) jusqu'au champ de gravité variable (L2).

Congrès national de gravimétrie spatiale du champ variable 2022

  • Baroud A., Pfeffer J., Cazenave A. and Ablain M., Assessment of the global mean ocean mass and sea level budgets over 2005-2020. Poster.
  • Saraswati A. T., de Viron O., Mandea M., Estimating common signal of the spatial gravity and magnetic field related to the Earth’s core field variation. Poster.
  • Lecomte, H., Rosat, S., Mandea M., Observability of the Earth’s core signals in GRACE-based gravity field. Poster.

SEDI 2022

  • Barik A., Seuren F., Triana S.A., Rekier J., Van Hoolst T., Gastine T., Influence of libration on a stable layer: an application to Mercury. Poster.
  • Firsov I., Jault D., Gillet N., Mandea M., Inference of quasi-geostrophic motions from the geomagnetic secular variation. Poster.
  • Gerick F., Dynamic pressure estimates at the core-mantle boundary. Poster.
  • Gillet N., Gerick F., Jault D., Schwaiger T., Istas M., Finlay C., Hammer M. and Aubert J., Quasi-geostrophic Magneto-Coriolis waves in Earth’s core. Oral.
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., Observability of the Earth’s core signals in GRACE-based gravity field. Poster.
  • Rekier J., Triana S.A., Dehant V., The influence of inertial modes on planetary rotation. Poster.
  • Rekier J., Triana S.A., Trinh A., Buffett B., Electromagnetic boundary conditions at the Core-Mantle Boundary: a not so trivial problem. Poster.
  • Rosat S., N. Gillet, Intradecadal variations in length of day: coherency with core flow models. Oral.
  • Shih S.A., Triana S.A., Dehant V., Turbulent Boundary-Layer at Core-Mantle Boundary. Poster.
  • Dumberry M., Gerick F., Gillet N., Millennial axisymmetric Magneto-Coriolis modes in Earth’s fluid core. Poster.


  • Barnoud A., Pfeffer J., Cazenave A. and Ablain M., Closing the global mean ocean mass and sea level budgets over 2005-2019. Poster.
  • Cazenave A., Sea level rise from global to local scales: latest news, invited talk.

EPSC 2022

  • Seuren F., Rekier J., Triana S.A., Van Hoolst T., The core flow induced by Mercury’s libration: density stratification and magnetic fields. Session TP1, EPSC2022-934, poster.
  • Le Maistre S., Dehant V., Baland R.-M., Beuthe M., Filice V., Goli M., Péters M.-J., Steenput B., Rivoldini A., Umit E., Van Hoolst T., Yseboodt M., and the LaRa team, LaRa, an X-band coherent transponder ready to fly. Session MITM12, EPSC2022-1169, poster.
  • Rivoldini A., Le Maistre S., et al. including Dehant V., A view into the deep interior of Mars from nutation measured by InSight RISE. Session TP12 - Planetary Seismology and Geophysics, EPSC2022-1101, oral.

International Astronautical Congress 2022

  • Cazenave A. and Fu L.L., Satellite altimetry and ocean sciences, invited talk.

LIENS Seminar 2022

  • Lecomte H., GRACE, the gravity-field variations for new insights into the Earth’s core.

Journées CNES Jeunes Chercheurs (JC2) 2022

  • Lecomte H., Observability of the Earth's core signals in GRACE-based gravity field.

Royal Astronomical Society Meeting 2022: ‘Solid-Liquid Interactions in Deep Planetary Interiors’

  • Rogers H. F., Beggan C. D, Whaler K. A., Plattner A., Investigating regional heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary and its impact on outer core flow.

REFAG 2022

  • Sert H., Hugentobler U., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., VLBI and GNSS space-tie onboard Galileo satellites. Poster.

Les Houches Deep Earth Doctoral School 2022

  • Rogers H. F., Beggan C. D, Whaler K. A., Plattner A., Investigating regional heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary and its impact on outer core flow by applying spherical Slepian functions.

GRACE/GRACE-FO Science Team Meeting 2022

  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Barnoud A., Mandea M., Dehant V., de Viron O., Saraswati A., Zhu P., A 6-7 year cycle in the climate system.
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., Comparison of gap-filling temporal methods to improve GRACE and GRACE-FO time series.

Ocean from Space Symposium 2022

  • Cazenave A., Present-day sea level rise at global, regional and local scales: What have we learned? What are the new challenges?, invited talk.

Isaac Newton Institute Workshop 2022

  • Rogers H. F., Beggan C. D, Whaler K. A., Plattner A., Investigating regional heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary and its impact on outer core flow by applying spherical Slepian functions.
  • Gerick F., Livermore P., Effect of non-axisymmetric B₀ on modes in cores, Poster.

AGU 2022

  • Rekier J., Triana S.A., Dehant V., Low frequency eigenmodes of the Earth's fluid core. Session DI010 on `Interdisciplinary Insights into Earth and Planetary Cores´, Session DI32B on `Interdisciplinary Insights into Earth and Planetary Cores´, DI32B-0014, poster.
  • Cazenave A., Pfeffer J., Moreira L., Mandea M., Dehant V., de Viron O., A 6-7 year cycle in the Earth System. Oral.
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., Dumberry M., Observability of the Earth’s Core Signals and Geomagnetic Jerks in GRACE-based Gravity Field, DI32B-0018, poster.
  • Han W., Zhang L., …, Cazenave A., …, Xing W., Enhanced Sea Level Extremes in Coastal Indonesia during 2010-2017: Roles of Anthropogenic Forcing and Decadal Climate Variability, GC56A-02, poster.
  • Becker M., Marcos M., …, Cazenave A., …, Ward P., An Overview of Asian Mega-Deltas: Forcing Factors, Responses, and Evolutions, OS56A-06, invited talk.
  • Rekier J., Buffett B., Triana S.A., Dehant V., Enhanced mechanical core-mantle coupling induced by a stably stratified layer at the top of the core, DI36A-06, poster.
  • Ponce de Leon Alvarez S., Gouzenes Y., Cazenave A., Benveniste J., Revisiting the coastal sea level rise using altimetry and a high-resolution spectral wave model, OS45C-1208, poster.

ISTerre Geodynamo Seminar 2023

  • Rogers H. F., Beggan C. D, Whaler K. A., Plattner A., Investigating regional heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary and its impact on outer core flow.

LPSC 2023

  • Le Maistre S., Rivoldini A., Caldiero A., Yseboodt M., Baland R.-M., Beuthe M., Van Hoolst T., Dehant V., Folkner W., Buccino D., Kahan D., Marty J.-C., Antonangeli D., Badro J., Drilleau M., Konopliv A., Péters M.-J., Plesa A.C., Samuel H., Tosi N., Lognonné P., Panning M., Banerdt W.B., Detection of the Liquid Core Signature in Mars Nutations from InSight-RISE Data: Implications for Mars Interior Structure, Session `The InSight Mission's Legacy´, poster.

Pegasus – Planetary Science team 2023

  • Triana A.S. and Rekier J., Eigenmodes in planetary fluid cores and global oceans, Oral.

IPGP Conference 2023

  • Lecomte H., GRACE, the gravity-field variations for new insights into the Earth’s core.

Leeds University Seminar Seminar 2023

  • Rogers H. F., Gillet N., Dall’Asta F., Hammer M., Finlay C., Mandea M., Investigations into core surface flow using SOLA data.

Seismological Society of America 2023

  • Panning M.P., Banerdt W.B., Smrekar S., Le Maistre S., Lognonné P., Spohn T., and the InSight Science Team including Dehant V., InSight, 2018-2022: Results from the first mission with a primary focus on the interior of Mars.

EGU 2023

  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Rosat S., Mandea M., Dehant V., Moreira L., Barnoud A., Detections of a 6-year cycle in the Earth system, Session G6.1 – Open Session in Geodesy with a Focus on Satellite Altimetry, EGU23-7746, oral presentation.
  • Sert H., Hugentobler U., Karatekin Ö., Dehant V., Optimal geometry for rotation transformation using VLBI-GNSS space-tie onboard Galileo satellites, Session G2.2 – Terrestrial Reference Frame: data analysis, evaluation and applications, EGU23-8773, poster.
  • Karatekin Ö., Delva P., Altamimi Z., Blazquez A., Blossfeld M., Böhm J., Bonnefond P., Boy J.-P., Bruinsma S., G Bury., Chatzinikos M., Couhert A., Courde C., Dach R., Dehant V., Dell’Agnello S., Elgered G., Enderle W., Exertier P., Glaser S., Haas R., Huang W., Hugentobler U., Jäggi A., Lemoine F., Le Poncin-Lafitte C., Lunz S., Männel B., Mercier F., Métivier L., Meyssignac B., Müller J., Nothnagel A., Perosanz F., Rietbroek R., Rothacher M., Sert H., Schuh H., Sosnica K., Testani P., Ventura-Traveset J., Wautelet G., Zajdel R., ESA's GENESIS mission: Advancing terrestrial reference systems by co-location of geodetic techniques in space, Session G2.2 – Terrestrial Reference Frame: data analysis, evaluation and applications, EGU23-8773, poster.
  • Triana S.A., Rekier J., Gerick F., Dehant V., Low frequency eigenmodes of the Earth's fluid core, Session GD8.1 – Earth's and planetary cores: structure, dynamics and evolution, EGU23-8209, PICO presentation.
  • Shih, S.A., Triana S.A., Dehant V., Turbulent Dissipation in the Boundary Layer of Precession Driven Flow in a Sphere, EGU General Assembly, Session GD8.1 – Earth's and planetary cores: structure, dynamics and evolution, EGU23-10448, PICO presentation.
  • Rogers H. F., Gillet N., Dall’Asta F., Hammer M., Finlay C., Mandea M., Using SOLA for investigating regional dynamics of flow at the top of the outer core. Invited Oral Presentation.
  • Rogers H. F., Pinheiro K., Sharan S., Leichter B., Di Chiara, A., Sanaka S., Outreach films from the IAGA Social Media Working Group. Poster Presentation.

IAG – Earth Tides and Geodynamics 2023

  • Lecomte H., GRACE and SLR, the gravity-field variations for new insights into the Earth’s core.

Earth Tides and Geodynamics IAG Subcommision 2023

  • Lecomte H., 2023, “GRACE and SLR, the gravity-field variations for new insights into the Earth’s core.”, Earth Tides and Geodynamics IAG Subcommision, on-line seminar 2023, Oral Presentation, 20 June 2023.

GreZuMar 2023

  • Rogers H. F., Gillet N., Dall’Asta F., Hammer M., Finlay C., Mandea M., Whaler K., Beggan C., Mantle influence on core surface flow, Oral Presentation
  • Personnettaz P., Cébron D., Schaëffer N., Mandea M., Liquid core DNS with non-spherical effects, Oral Presentation

IUGG 2023

  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M., Dumberry M., GRACE/SLR-based Gravity Field and the Earth's Core: New Estimates for Parameters of Key Core Processes.
  • Rogers H., Gillet N., Dall’Asta F., Finlay C., Jault D., Hammer M., Mandea M., Using SOLA for investigating regional dynamics of flow at the top of the outer core.
  • Rogers H. F., Beggan C. D, Whaler K. A., Investigating the impact of LLVPs on outer core surface flow using regional secular variation.
  • Mandea M., Rogers H. F., Gillet N., Jault D., Which is the best model for describing the core field and its variations?
  • Sharan S., Rogers H., Pinheiro K., Leichter B., Kameníková T., Di Chiara A., Sanaka S., Content Creation from the IAGA Social Media Working Group.
  • Lim, K.W., Personnettaz, P., Rogers H. F., Schaeffer N., Frasson T., Mandea M., Investigating secular variations in geodynamo models with lateral variations in heat flux and electrical conductivity at the core-mantle boundary.
  • Pinheiro K., Sanchez S., Sharan S., Rogers H., Panovska S., Bimbim’s Team, A journey to the planets.
  • Pinheiro K., Korte M., Schweitzer M., Sharan S., Rogers H, Kamenitka T., GeoScience Connections.
  • Lim K.W., Personnettaz P., Mandea M., Angular momentum and chemical exchange at the core-mantle boundary.
  • Saraswati A.T., de Viron O., Mandea M., Estimating common signals of the spatial gravity and geomagnetic field related to the Earth’s core field variation.
  • Shih S.A., Triana S.A., Rekier J., Dehant V., Turbulence in the boundary layer of precession-driven flow.
  • Rekier J., Free Core Nutation, Tilt-Over mode, and other inertial modes of the Earth: Clarification.
  • Firsov I., Jault D., Gillet N., Mandea M., Aubert J., Shear at the top of the Earth’s core.
  • Stephens G., Sitnov M., Weigel R., Turner D., Tsyganenko N., Rogers A., Genestreti K., Slavin J., Arnold H., Picturing the global magnetosphere during storms and substorms by data-mining decades of spacecraft magnetometer observations.
  • Gerick F., Investigating interannual waves in Earth’s core, Oral Presentation
  • Gillet N., Gerick F., Jault D., Schwaiger, Istas T. M., Finlay C., Hammer M., Aubert J., Satellite geomagnetic data reveal interannual magneto-Coriolis waves inside Earth’s core, Oral Presentation
  • Dumberry M., Gerick F., Gillet N., Millennial axisymmetric Magneto-Coriolis modes in Earth’s fluid core, Oral Presentation


  • Personnettaz P., Cébron D., Schaëffer N., Mandea M., Modeling non-spherical effects with parametrized boundary conditions, Poster Presentation

Journées CNES (JC2) 2023

  • Rogers H., Gillet N., Dall’Asta F., Finlay C., Hammer M., Mandea M. Using weighted averages of satellite secular variation for investigating dynamics of flow at the top of the outer core. 3-min Talk and Poster

MagNetZ 2023

  • Rogers H., Gillet N., Aubert J., Mandea M. Core surface flow inversion ingredients: understanding the effects of geodynamo priors and magnetic models data. Oral presentation

AGU 2023

  • Cazenave A.A., Pfeffer J., Dehant V., Mandea M. A 6-year cycle in the length of day and in the surface fluid envelopes. Oral presentation
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A.A., Rosat S., Moreira L., Mandea M., Dehant V. Are internal and external geodynamics linked at a 6-year period? Oral presentation
  • Dehant V., Mandea M., Cazenave A.A. GRACEFUL: Probing the deep Earth interior by synergistic use of observations of the magnetic and gravity fields, and of the rotation of the Earth. Poster
  • Triana S.A., Rekier J., Gerick F., Dehant V. Low Frequency Eigenmodes of the Earth's Fluid Core. Poster
  • Barik A., Triana S.A., Rekier J. Kore : A spectral anelastic MHD eigenvalue code for rotating fluids in spherical geometries. Poster
  • Rekier J., Triana S.A., Barik A. Amplified tidal response in the liquid layers of planets and stars: methods and challenges. Poster
  • Seuren F., Blume C., Rekier J., Triana S.A. The return of tesseral Rossby waves in a rotating sphere due to stable stratification. Poster
  • Lecomte H., Rosat S., Mandea M. Comparison of Gap-Filling Temporal Methods to Improve GRACE and GRACE-FO Time Series. Poster
  • Kang WeiLim, Schaeffer N., Personnettaz P., Rogers H., Frasson T., Mandea M. Investigating secular variations in geodynamo models with lateral variations in electrical conductivity at the core-mantle boundary. Poster

Conference for the public

  • Cazenave A., 2020, “Coastal sea level rise from satellite altimetry.”, invited lecture, ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 9 November 2020.
  • Cazenave A., 2020, “The Earth, a planet like no others.”, invited lecture, 25th anniversary of ISSI, Bern, Switzerland, 13 November 2020.
  • Dehant V., 2020, “Habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, Connaissance et Vie Waterloo, virtual, 19 November 2020.
  • Cazenave A., 2020, “Sea level rise observed by satellite altimetry from global to local scales.”, invited lecture, National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Hyderabad, India, 20 November 2020.
  • Cazenave A., 2020, “Le niveau des océans vu par les satellites.”, invited conference at the Bureau des longitudes, 3 December 2020.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “Niveau de la mer côtier vu par altimétrie.”, invited conference at the Bureau des longitudes, 6 January 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “Climate change: the role of space observations.”, invited lecture, Aligarh Muslim University, India, Centenary Science Webinar, 28 February 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “Satellite altimetry and sea level change.”, invited lecture, Hong-Kong Univ., February 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “L'habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, public conference for the Sciences Faculty of UCLouvain, 29 March 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “L'habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, public conference for the KotAstro and MARS UCLouvain, virtual, 28 April 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “Habitability of in the Solar System.”, Cambridge University Seminar, virtual, 5 May 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “L'habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, Académie royale de Belgique et la Délégation générale Wallonie-Bruxelles en France, Cycle sur l'Homme et son environnement, virtual, 5 May 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “Système Terre: le role de l’observation spatiale.”, invited conference at the 2d INSU-INSIS workshop on ‘l’instrumentation pour le suivi environmental, observation de la Terre et télédétection’, Rennes, July 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “La hausse actuelle du niveau des mers.”, invited conference at the meeting ‘Grotte Cosquer’, Marseille, September 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, “Water cycle, overview and challenges; importance of observations.”, invited talk, MeteoSwiss, Bern, Switzerland, September 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “Habitability of Mars and elsewhere in the solar system.”, Conference for ULB Colloque Solvay, Brussels, 28 September 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “Rotation and interior of terrestrial planets and moons - an ingredient for habitability.”, invited talk, The third China-Belgium Symposium Science and Technology exchange symposium, Virtual, 30 October 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “Geodesy at Mars and Mars' habitability.”, invited talk, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Virtual, 18 November 2021.
  • Cazenave A., 2021, Série de conferences sur le changement climatique, le niveau de la mer et l’observation spatiale de la Terre, Université de Ziguinchor, Senegal, November 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2021, “Mission vers la planète Mars.”, Conference for the Société Européenne des Ingénieurs et Industriels (SEII), Château Ste-Anne, Auderghem, 26 November 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, public conference for the Université des Ainés de l'UCLouvain, 24 February 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Habitabilité de Mars et ailleurs.”, public conference for the Printemps des Sciences, UCLouvain, 22 March 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Mars était-elle habitable dans le passé ?”, public conference for the amateur astronomers, Woluwé, 2 April 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Planète Mars: résultats des dernières missions spatiales.”, Collège Belgique, Charleroi, 21 April 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “The Earth and the environment observed from space.”, Royal Society, London, April 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “L'apport de l’observation spatiale à l’étude du climat.”, evening ‘Climate’, Ceret, April 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Mars new results for constraining its interior and habitability.”, colloquium Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany, 12 May 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Gender dimension in planetary science.”, Berlin Technical University, Berlin, Germany, 12 May 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Gender in EU project.”, EGU 2022 General Assembly, EOS3.1 – Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences, abstract number EGU22-7535, Hybrid meeting, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 May 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “Hausse du niveau de la mer.”, invited conference at the Colloque de Port Vendres sur le changement climatique, June 2022.
  • Mandea M., 2022, “Comment construit-on un modèle de champ magnétique terrestre ?”, TIMEWORLD, Paris, France, 30 June 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “Changement climatique et hausse du niveau de la mer.”, Colloque de Cerisy sur le changement climatique, 19 September 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “Sea level rise, a crucial indicator of global warming: 30 years of space borne measurements.”, Highlight Lecture at International Astronautical Congress, Paris, 20 September 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Mars a un cœur liquide! Comment peut-on en être certain?”, Rendez-vous à « frites et sciences », Brussels, 21 September 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “Observing the Earth from space.”, Invited lecture, European Academy of sciences, Brussels, 25 October 2022.
  • Cazenave A., 2022, “La Terre et l’environment observes depuis l’espace.”, invited conference, evening ‘Earth’, Infosciences, Clermont Ferrand, October 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Habiter sur Mars ou sur une lune du système solaire?”, Invited seminar, Les Rencontres de LouvainHouse, UCLouvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, 6 December 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Missions vers Mars.”, séance publique de la classe des Sciences, Académie, Brussels, 17 December 2022.
  • Mandea M., 2023, “Women in data science.”, WiDS (Women in Data Science) panel discussion, Bucarest, Romania, 8 March 2023.
  • Dehant V., 2023, “Connaissances actuelles de la planète Mars et conséquences sur son habitabilité.”, Forum des Savoirs de l'ULiege, Virtual, 9 March 2023.
  • Cazenave A., 2023, “How can we adapt to sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea region?”, Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei, XXII Giornata Mondiale Dell’acqua, Conference on ‘The Mediterranean system: a hotspot for climate change and adaptation, 22 March 2023.
  • Dehant V., 2023, “Connaissance de l'Univers.”, Journée Prix Lemaître, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Charleroi, 28 March 2023.
  • Cazenave A., 2023, “Climate Change.”, Cayenne University, French Guyana, March 2023.
  • Cazenave A., 2023, “Sea Level Change.”, Lamont & Columbia University, New York, April 2023.
  • Cazenave A., 2023, “Present-day sea level rise, the role of space.”, Keynote talk at COSPAR symposium, Singapore, 17 April 2023.
  • Mandea M., 2023, “Observer le champ magnétique terrestre: quand la théorie suit la mesure!”, Café des Sciences, Louv’ Science, La Fabrique, Paris, France, 25 May 2023.
  • Cazenave A., 2023, “La hausse actuelle du niveau de la mer mesurée depuis l’espace.”, Cité de l’Espace, Toulouse, France, June 2023.
  • Gerick F., 2023, “Waves in the Earth’s fluid core.”, Seminar at LEGOS, Toulouse, France, 24 October 2023.
  • Pfeffer J., Cazenave A., Rosat S., Mandea M., Dehant V., Moreira L., 2024, “A 6-year cycle in the Earth’s system.”, Seminar at LEGOS, Toulouse, France, 11 January 2024.

Other presentations

  • Halloin V., Dehant V., 2021, “European Basic Research and its Impact.”, 2021 Euro-Case Workshop ‘From Research to Innovation: A Challenge for Europe’, Session 1 Foundations of European Research and Innovation, Paris, France, 10 September 2021.
  • Dehant V., Halloin V., 2021, “The European Research Council and its Impact.”, 2021 Euro-Case Workshop ‘From Research to Innovation: A Challenge for Europe’, Session 1 Foundations of European Research and Innovation, Paris, France, 10 September 2021.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Gender dimension in planetary science.”, Berlin Technical University, 12 May 2022, Berlin, Germany.
  • Dehant V., 2022, “Gender in EU project.”, EGU 2022 General Assembly, EOS3.1 – Promoting and supporting equality, diversity and inclusion in the geosciences, abstract number EGU22-7535, Hybrid meeting, Vienna, Austria, 23 May 2022.
  • Dehant V., 2023, “ERC Synergy GRACEFUL.”, information webinar over de ERC Synergy Grant, on line, organized by Belgium NCP, 18 July 2023.
  • Dehant V., 2023, “How to write an ERC?”, Seminar for Royal Observatory, Brussels, 24 August 2023.